FEBRUARY Parent/Guardian Guide

Making the most of the drive home

Aloha! In his book The Purpose of Boys, Michael Gurian states that even as young as toddlers, boys have a psychobiological drive to seek their purpose in life. He says, "Boys are searching for their own power to help others by identifying with those who help. They are searching for their own innate talents and abilities by projecting onto heroes who are or have developed their talents and abilities." It's why they're often drawn to superheroes who face—and overcome—insurmountable odds and challenges.


Like a superhero's origin story, "Boyhood is meant to be a clear preparation for a manhood that is empathic and purposeful to others, family, the self, and the world." One of our awesome roles as adults is supporting boys as they hone and develop their natural abilities and "guide [them] in taking [their] skills further than they are now."


As a parent or guardian, you already know your boy's strengths (and weaknesses). But I'd like the boys to assess themselves and discover their super-strengths as they "develop healthy self-discipline and become seekers of their adult purpose."


  • Conversation starters for the ride home:

- What made EQUIP BOYS fun tonight?

- What's something unexpected that happened?

- Is there a superhero you admire? What makes them admirable to you?

- How would you define strength?

- What's the difference between being physically strong and mentally strong?

- Should we focus on developing our strengths or improving our weaknesses?

- What are your top three strengths?

- What do your strengths say about you?

- How might you use your strengths to help people?

- Is there a strength you wish you had but don't have (yet)?

- How can you get "stronger"?

- What was most useful for you tonight?


  • Next EQUIP BOYS: 

Monday, March 4th, 2024. 5pm to 7pm, at the Albersons' home.

Monday, April 1st, 2024. 5pm to 7pm, at the Albersons' home.


  To preview February's EQUIP Journal entry, CLICK HERE.

If your boy is unavailable on Friday, February 2nd, or would like additional hangout time as we did in January, schedule a small group/one-on-one hangout below. We'll find fun/relational activities like Fun Factory, mini golf, the beach, Twin Falls, etc., and grab food—my treat! Additional connection days:

  If you still need to register your boy/s now, CLICK HERE