Quarter One Wrap-Up

Aloha! You've seen these lists before, but give them another quick scan and make a note of your TOP THREE core values and TOP THREE strengths. Then, complete the remaining questions below. Hopefully, by the time you hit "submit," you'll be on your way to understanding yourself better.




Before moving forward, silence any devices and do your best to eliminate distractions. Take a deep breath, hold it, release it. Then, be as honest as possible. You got this!

Share 3 positive experiences that have influenced who you are today. Examples may include touring a fire station, seeing a new favorite movie, becoming a brother, winning a competition, taking a vacation, and meeting a new friend.

Share 3 hurtful experiences that have influenced who you are today. This moment may trigger unwelcome feelings, so I appreciate your courage. Examples may include losing a favorite toy, a best friend moving away, parents getting a divorce, or getting cut from a team.

Optional: If you'd like to include additional positive, negative, or neutral experiences, you're welcome to add them here.

For the next part, your brain will be like IDK! But that's because we rarely stop to think about how our experiences shape the person we're becoming. You're used to trying to identify the correct answer for a test or something. But here, it's more like being a detective. These experiences are like clues; you're trying to figure out what they might mean.


How might your positive experiences influence you? For example, touring the fire station inspired you to want to become a firefighter. Or winning a competition inspired you to keep getting better.


  • Going to the movies with my grandpa inspired my love for the theatre and good stories!

How might your hurtful experiences influence you? For example, you lost a favorite toy, so you decided to be more careful about where you leave things. Or perhaps you got cut from a team, which led you to try something new, and now you love that new thing!


  • As a teenager, I remember saying mean things to someone, and they called me out. I decided then and there that I didn't want to ever make anyone feel that way again.

This last part won't be exact, but it'll be a start. My core values, strengths, and past experiences help me realize that I want to be someone who helps others become the best version of themselves.


Which of the following best describes you? CHECK ONLY YOUR TOP THREE. (Doesn't mean others aren't important; I'm just looking for what really matters to you.)

Mahalo for taking the time to think about all the ideas we've been discussing during EQUIP BOYS. I'm looking forward to seeing you all soon! Make sure you wrote you name above, click submit below, and have an awesome rest of your day. -cj